5 Bible Facts, From King James to Kingstone
To celebrate the release of the Kingstone Bible, we decided to take a look back at how the Bible made its way from monks and priests to billions of people like you and me.
1. The first English translation of the Bible was completed by John Wycliffe in 1382.
2. In 1454, Johannes Gutenberg made the Bible the first book ever printed.
3. Development of the King James Version of the Bible began in 1604 and was completed in 1611. It is still the best selling version of the Bible of all time.
4. Today the Bible has been translated into 2,018 languages, with countless more partial translations, and audio translations (for unwritten languages). For comparison, Shakespeare has only been translated into 50 languages.
5. In 2016, Kingstone published the world’s most complete graphic novel Bible. At 2,000-pages, it is the longest non-serialized graphic novel ever published. All images were created by more than 45 industry-recognized artists including Kyle Hotz (Captain America, Dr.Strange, Spiderman), Christopher Ivy (Daredevil, Avengers and Hulk), and Emily Kanalz (Spiderman and X-Men).
Orlando Sentinel
Kingstone Bible puts Christ's words into speech bubbles.
The Orlando Sentinel's coverage of the Kingstone Bible
Kelly Ayris - Art Director
Artist: Kelly Ayris - Art Director
Primary: Supervise script and art continuity. Editorial.
About: Kelly was a seasoned television director and on-air talent before coming into comics.
1.What is your media background prior to joining the Kingstone team?
Primarily radio and television. I did all aspects from production to on-air and on-camera.
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