Top Questions
$19.99 USD
Top Questions is a powerhouse graphic novel that does not shy away from tough questions and is a reliable tool for people seeking to understand the Bible and the Christian faith. Suffering, the resurrection, dinosaurs, giants, an original Adam and many more questions are addressed in this exciting new 448-page graphic novel designed by top comic artists.
It answers questions like these:
- The Bible and dinosaurs?
- Where Christ went after his death?
- Who were the Nephilim?
- How did we get the Bible?
- Did a fish swallow man?
- Are there levels of Hell?
- Do all roads lead to Heaven?
- Where did Cain get his wife?
- How does God speak to us?
- Did God commit genocide in the OT?
- Animals and pets in Heaven?
- Difference between body, soul and spirit?
- Angels and demons?
- What is the Trinity?
- And many more!!
Rating: T+
NOTE: "Top Questions" contains all 14 "101 Questions about the Bible and Christianity" comics in one volume.
Please select all options.
*Please note that all of our comics are rated “ALL AGES” unless otherwise specified in the product description.
A (ALL AGES) – Appropriate for all ages.
T – Appropriate for most readers, but parents are advised that they might want to read before or with younger children.
T+ (TEENS AND UP) – Appropriate for teens 13 and above.
PARENTAL ADVISORY – Appropriate for 15 and up. Similar to T+, but featuring more mature themes and/or more graphic imagery. Recommended for teen and adult readers.
This book is absolutely amazing and incredible.
If you want to know about the Bible this book is a MUST!!!!!
GREAT BOOK! Amazing art. Powerful message.
These Biblical comics are essential in training your child in the ways of our creator “YHWH”.
I feel that in this medium, children will be more interested in reading about the Mighty One, most high.
Over the last two hundred years archaeology has uncovered everything just about that is spoken of in the Bible all the cities all the kings the prophets the proof is out there. The Bible is real and our heavenly father is real. He controls everything and he watches over us and our children need to know this they need to be brought up in his way not the worlds ways!
Maybe your company could make cartoons of all the archaeological fines that they found throughout history that validate the Bible it would make it a confirmation of what the children are reading, no matter what age and I feel that arena within the medium of comics would be beneficial to everyone involved. Thank you very much ,
For creating great comics at a very reasonable price may heavenly father bless bless your company and everyone working in it. Thank you again.